前天,大家商量後,由囡囡做 main dish 主菜 ,老公做 side dish 炒菜。囡囡想不到可以煮甚麼。於是基絲汀找了一個簡易食譜給她。她就焗了這道香蒜小雞腿。非常好味道呢。她還很用心擺碟,賣相不俗。要讚!基絲汀當然要拍照留念,呵呵!
食譜靈感源自:Garlic-roasted Chicken [foodnetwork.com]
- 有機小雞腿 (organic drumsticks)6隻 約680克
- 紫洋蔥(切四份) 1/2個
- 橄欖油 2湯匙
- 海鹽 酌量
- 胡椒粉 酌量
- 蒜頭 兩整個
- 新鮮迷迭香(rosemary)4棵
- 紅番薯(切片)1個
- 白酒醋(white wine vinegar)2湯匙
- 雞湯 1/4杯
- 預熱焗爐至 200C (392F).
- 小雞腿用水洗凈,瀝乾水份。各面灑下酌量的海鹽和胡椒粉。在番薯片中加少許橄欖油和鹽拌勻。蒜頭不用去皮,分散各瓣。
- 燒熱油鑊,用中火把雞腿各面煎至微黃,約 5分鐘。
- 在一焗盤中,隨意鋪上番薯。上面放雞腿。加蒜頭,迷迭香和洋蔥。放入焗爐,焗約 15至 20分鐘,直至雞腿剛剛熟透(可切開雞腿一小片,看看雞肉轉白色,即熟透)。切勿焗太久,否則太乾。要保持肉汁多。
- 拿出焗盤,小心地把雞腿,番薯和洋蔥夾出,放在一暖碟上,蓋好。仍然留蒜頭在焗盤中(如喜歡的話,此時把蒜頭去皮。囡囡就很用心,把每瓣蒜頭去皮。熟了的蒜頭很容易去皮的。而且可以吃)。把焗盤放在爐上,倒進雞湯,用中火煮滾(煮開)。刮刮盤底和週邊(那是好好味道的材料啊!不要浪費呢。)加醋,繼續煮至汁收乾些,及濃稠些。淋在雞腿上,即成。

- 建議用有機雞腿(organic drumsticks),有雞味肉質稔卻有彈性。雖然價錢貴一點,但物有所值。如果買不到有機雞腿,用 free-range(走地雞)也不錯。
- 可改用雞胸,但要有皮,比較好一些。因為是用焗的方法。
- 基絲汀從來沒試過用番薯的菜配合醋煮的汁。初時有點猶豫,但吃過後,感到效果不錯。番薯甜甜,焗汁帶微酸,配合雞肉吃起來不覺膩。
- 這道菜所用的材料超健康自然,雞肉嫩滑可口。
越南牛肉湯底?可以post個食譜嗎? 係呀,我係一個煮食白痴,不過上次跟住你d食譜煮,男朋友都話好食,thank you so much!!
回覆刪除O no! take care Christine!
回覆刪除Careful!! Wish you a speedy recovery... but having husband and daughter do all the cooking sounds like a good break too ;)
No4 Mrs Wu
Hi Christine
回覆刪除無意中搵到這網誌, 真的對我有很大幫助, 因為我是剛從香港到澳洲留學, 每天午餐該做甚麼菜都讓我很頭痛-,- 想到一些想吃的可是又沒有調味料。現在就好了~ 我可以學著做些新的簡單的做午餐^^ thank you so much~!!!!
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I have followed each step in your recipe, but my drumsticks are not fully cooked, wonder why? please advise me. i am a beginner for oven.
hi christine,
回覆刪除forgot to mentioned my name, in my earlier post for the chicken uncooked in my oven.
i am Amanda, from Malaysia. :).
i am using FABER brand, with 55L...not sure is the oven not campatible to retained heat. please advise me.
Hi Amanda,
回覆刪除I doesn't matter what brand of oven you have to cook this dish. If you find your drumsticks are not cooked through, just pop them in again, and continue to cook until they are done.
Hi, Christine~~
回覆刪除This is Candice from Richmond. I read your recipe EVERYDAY. I'm new for cooking~ and i found your recipes are awesome. ^^
Thanks for all your practical and healthy recipe.
回覆刪除Just wonderful if I can replace the white wine vinegar with balsamic vinegar?
Hi Val, my pleasure.
刪除We often use white wine vinegar with white meat. Balsamic vinegar will be too dark. But there's no right or wrong for cooking. It's up to you.