類別: 壓力煲, 雞類
菜系: 中式
分量: 2 至 3人

有關壓力煲 Instant Pot:

基絲汀@簡易食譜類別: 壓力煲, 雞類
菜系: 中式
分量: 2 至 3人

有關壓力煲 Instant Pot:
- 我的 Instant Pot 是較早前在 Amazon (UK) 買,因為電壓適合澳洲用 (220 volts)。這兒啊。
- 如果是美國,就要到 Amazon (US) 吧。
- 如住加拿大,就到 Amazon (CA) 吧。
- 住澳洲的,現在澳洲 Amazon 也有得買呢。可以click 到這兒Amazon (AU) 訂購.
- 冬菇(泡水至軟,水留後用)4 隻
- 粟粉(玉米粉)1茶匙
- 帶骨雞腿 690克
- 水(連浸冬菇的水,煮雞用) 1杯
- 老抽(增加顏色,可以不加) 1茶匙
- 蔥段(裝飾用) 酌量
- 生抽 3 茶匙
- 老抽 1 茶匙
- 黃糖 (raw sugar) 1½ 茶匙
- 紹酒 1茶匙
- 白胡椒粉 少許
- 麻油
- 薑絲 1 湯匙
- 白米(洗淨瀝乾水分) ½ 杯
- 水 ½ 杯
- 粟粉 2茶匙
- 水 1湯匙

- 雞腿洗淨,斬件。用醃料拌勻,備用。
- 冬菇泡水浸軟,切半,用粟粉拌勻,用水沖洗,榨乾水分,待用。
- 預備壓力煲 Instant Pot:按 “Saute” 燒熱少許油,爆香冬菇,加雞塊。倒進水(連浸冬菇的水)1 杯。加一鐵架,放上一淺碟,倒進米和水,撥平。加蓋密封 “Sealing”,按 “Manual”,高壓煮 8分鐘。自然放壓 12 分鐘 。打開蓋,拿出煮好的白飯,蓋好保溫。撈起雞塊。再按“Saute”把汁煮至收乾一大半。倒進粟粉水埋獻。灑下蔥段。可再加老抽增色。雞塊和汁盛入大碗中,配白飯,趁熱享用。
- 冬菇用粟粉拌勻後,再沖水洗淨,會變得很軟滑,吃得不一樣。
基絲汀妳好: 請問"薑絲 1 湯匙"也是醃料之一嗎?沒在做法裡看到說明...很喜歡妳簡明完整的食譜, 且很好味!
回覆刪除Hi Stephanie,
刪除謝謝你的問題。更新了。 Happy cooking !
回覆刪除Yeah, 很開心知道你喜歡啊!
刪除Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Annie again, please tell me the plate that hold the rice, it is some stainess steel plate? Any plate that can place inside the IP?
Hi Annie,
刪除I used stainless steel plate to steam the rice. Stainless steel plates are best used in a pressure cooker as you don't need to worry if the high pressure will break them or not.
Hi Christine,
回覆刪除I just bought an instant pot and am still learning how to master it. When I used rice cooker before, I liked to steam something like fish, chicken, egg ect. while cooking rice, because it saves me a lot of time. Now you have shown us how to cook chicken and rice at the same time with saute and manual function, which is amazing! Do you know if we can use other combination/ function to steam other dishes and rice together?
Thanks Christine!
Hi Ashley,
刪除Stew function is a very useful one too. You'll love your instant pot more and more. Happy cooking!
我照你的食譜煮了這個菜,真的簡單方便又好吃! 謝謝!
Just want to know the water and rice ratio? 1:1?
回覆刪除Hi 真心,
Hi Nook,
回覆刪除Yes, the ratio is 1:1
Hi! I am wondering what size of steel pot did you use for rice?
回覆刪除Hi Jen,
回覆刪除My Instant Pot is 6L. There's a link to the product description.
Hi Christine, f I use chicken wings (mid section), should I adjust the cooking time so it won’t become too overdone? Thanks.
回覆刪除Hi Mic,
回覆刪除The meat of chicken wings is tender and easily cooked through. It needs a bit of less cooking time. Try to begin with high pressure 5-6 minutes. See how it goes.