這是基絲汀家中的一句名句:『燒雞翼,我鍾意食。』(即:烤雞翼,我喜歡吃。) 家裏有一位雞翼皇后。煮什麼雞翼,都一樣愛。
基絲汀@簡易食譜類別: 香煎
菜系: 中式
分量: 2 至 3 人

- 雞翼 900克
- 香茅(白色部分) 2枝
- 車厘番茄(或可不加) 10粒
- 魚露 2湯匙
- 生抽(醬油) 1/2湯匙
- 老抽 1/2湯匙
- 糖 1湯匙
- 紹酒 1/2湯匙
- 把雞翼洗淨,瀝乾水份。斬件(雞翼尖不要。可留下來煲湯用)。香茅只要白色部分,用刀拍扁,切碎。
- 把雞翼,香茅和醃料拌勻。放入雪櫃過夜,或醃至少2小時。
- 從雪櫃取雞翼,放置室溫中回溫。用手撥去雞翼表面的香茅。
- 燒熱油鑊,用中大火把雞翼煎至兩面金黃色,並煮至熟透。每面煮約4分鐘,視乎雞翼的大小和火力。雞翼上碟。倒去原鑊中的油份,加車厘番茄,灑點鹽,炒至軟身即可。伴碟,並可配魚露加少許糖,青檸汁和紅辣椒佐食。滋味啊!
- 雞翼不宜煮得過頭,以免雞肉變硬。
- 基絲汀喜歡先把雞翼的兩面煎至金黃後,加蓋略煮兩分鐘,讓雞翼裏面容易煮熟,但又不會失去水份。然後拿走鑊蓋,讓鑊中倒汗水發揮走丟,就上碟。雞翼肉質保持幼滑多汁。而雞翼的油份又因熱力迫了出來,雞翼吃起來,不油膩啊。
- 每隻牌子的魚露鹹度不同。要自行調節。基絲汀用三隻蟹商標的魚露。
- 此食譜發佈於2012年3月27日。更新照片 2019年5月2日。
yum yum! my favorite!
回覆刪除Thanks Christine, I did it this evening as Dinner. That's good & delicious.
回覆刪除Thanks Christine, I did it this evening, it's so good and delicious. If I do it as Pork Chop, is it the same.
回覆刪除@Christine Ko:
回覆刪除It works for pork chops as well. But you don't need to marinate the chops overnight, because you don't want it too salty. Say, marinate about an hour or so. I'd keep the marinade and bring it to a boil for dipping if you like.
Hi christine, how do you make the fish sauce?
回覆刪除I use the same brand but never seem to be able to mix it properly.
回覆刪除Oh, didn't record the amount of ingredients for mixing the fish sauce. Might share next time if I do.
Ok ok please do.. Thank you!!!
回覆刪除yum :D Chicken wings are one of the things that I eat all the time ~ can never get sick of them hehe thanks for sharing can't wait to try this recipe :D
回覆刪除可否用其他REPLACE魚露? 因家人不太喜歡魚露味道呢 :P
回覆刪除多謝欣賞啊! :)
The chicken wings are so tasty! Thanks for the recipe! My Vietnamese friend also suggested me to use the 3 crab brand fish sauce.
回覆刪除Which part i use of the lemon grass? i cannot identify, so the upper part is no use ? thanks so much
回覆刪除Use the white part, that starts from the root, as most of the fragrance in there.
I did try this recipe today. I've substitute to boneless chicken drumstick and soya sauce (not fish sauce). It turn tasty and delicious too. I like it so much..thanks
回覆刪除Thanks for this great recipe! My husband really loves the chicken wings. Unfortunately, it took a long time for me to cook this dish as I find it difficult to control the temperature and the wings get burned easily. I will probably cook the wings in the microwave first then pan fry them so that they will be cooked easily when I cook this dish again.
回覆刪除Glad that you husband loved this dish.
刪除Every utensil and stove used in each household is very different. You might try different cooking method to suit your situation.
This is so yummy!
回覆刪除Will make it for CNY gathering, paiseh, my family seldom celebrate for Christmas.
Glad that you liked it.
刪除Merry Christmas !
Hi Christine, thanks a lot for your recipe. I'm planning to make this dish in the coming Christmas gathering.
回覆刪除Can I use oven to roast the chicken wings instead of pan-frying?
Thank you.
Sure, you can you bake your chicken wings instead. Feel free to adjust the cooking time yourself then.
回覆刪除Hi 你好,
歡迎繼續到訪。Happy cooking !